Listening as an invitation to your most radical unfoldment and embodiment

I offer you my ear and my heart with the intention of inviting you into the healing magic of presence. Your own presence. Getting current with yourself. Letting old ideas and beliefs, old versions of you die a thousand times, and welcoming in the new, more expanded, more magnificent and truer you forward.

I meet you with grace, humor, and the wisdom of traveling through many a dark night of the soul. I entered into the study of counseling psychology from the background of visual and performing arts, with the desire to understand what my unconscious was expressing through the images I was creating. As a longtime appraiser of dreams and the symbolic potency of images, I carry with me a Jungian attitude of deep respect and awe for the elegance and knowing of that which is beyond our small self (egoic) understanding. It was not until an initiation through chronic illness and several near death experiences, that I decided to support others in their remembrance of wholeness. I get firsthand the great potential of liminal spaces for gnosis of the Self. And I get the necessity of being guided through the sticky spots of traumatic history in order to hold the right position with yourself (and Life).

I like to nerd out on the nuts and bolts of awakening and laugh about the wild ride of this human experience. The scholar in me holds a wide variety of subjects close, including nervous system regulation and breathwork, the art of dream interpretation, conscious relationships, ancient ceremonial practices, psychedelic integration, the limitations of the Western mind and traditional psychotherapy, codependency as a symptom of trauma, depression as a call from soul, the power of belief, and quantum physics. My involvement in group work and meditation retreats informs how I approach couples work. I am orienting to providing more retreat-like offerings for couples, family members, and friends and/or friend groups, aware of the incredible healing potential of dyadic engagement, and seeing ourselves through the eyes of another or others. The opportunity to co-create immersive retreats with you is my greatest joy, which I see as an artistic collaboration with the Divine.